Home / Objectives
The objectives for which the trust is established are:
- To promote welfare, social-cultural, charitable, health, education, humanitarian, and relief activities that will protect, safeguard, improve the quality and raise the standard of human life, particularly economically weaker sections of the society, irrespective of caste creed, race, colour, gender or religion. so that they may lead healthy, happy, contented and dignified life.
- To start, establish, equip and run schools, colleges, industrial training institutes, polytechnics, agricultural institutes, tailoring, handcrafts and other vocational and professional training centres, boarding houses, orphanages, home for the aged, houses of the poor rehabilitation centres for differently- abled or refugees or victims or leprosy patients, centre for sports and cultural activities, counselling centre for poor, youth centres and youth animation centres without profit motive.
- To provide monetary and other necessary help to the poor and the needy students and other deserving aspirants who prepare themselves for various competitive exams.
- To offer scholarships, stipends and financial support to deserving students in pursuing higher studies in medicine Art and science, Engineering and computer technology.
- To provide financial assistance and feeding the poor directly and through other institutions.
- To provide relief to the poor and advancing any other object of general public utility.
- To help and collaborate in establishing and running rehabilitation, institutions for the destitute, vocational training centers for the differenlty-abled and self job-oriented activities for the unemployed.
- To undertake and support any program or projects that provide educational, recreational, social, cultural and spiritual activities with the sole purpose of promoting peace, love, tolerance and national integration among the various communities of the country and Nationalities of the world.
- To provide sponsorship for economically weaker sections of the society for institutional care.
- To collaborate with other voluntary organizations to accomplish the above objectives.
- To have affiliation with other national and international organizations engaged in welfare, health education, National integration, and peace-promotion activities.
- To have regular dialogue and rapport with Central, State Government and N.G.O’s to elicit support and cooperation in fulfilling the aims and objectives of the organization.
- To undertake and promote research and study in the fields of social work, socio economic conditions of the people of India, socio-economic welfare programs, activities and institutions in India with special reference to the people of India.
- To subscribe or give donations to and financially or otherwise to aid any other societies/ institutions/ trust having charity, education or social services as its primary objects.
- To provide monetary assistance and other relief work in case of natural calamities.
- To conduct seminars and workshops on matters of public interest.
- To undertake, conduct and management of educational, medical and other charitable or social service institutions belonging to other societies, trusts, individuals or Government.
- To work for the upliftment of the poor and free them from social injustice and improve their economic status and obtain them equal place in society.
- To provide facilities for children welfare and their upliftment.
- To provide family welfare, personal hygiene and environmental sanitation programs.
- To sanction loans without profit motive to the needy.
- To establish self help groups to view of promoting their financial sustainability.
- To create awareness about the Government schemes and act as catalyst agency to reach the Government schemes to the target group.
- To coordinate with Government and financial institutions to promote the objectives of the organization.
- To acquire immovable and movable properties by purchase, lease, mortgage, gifts, grants, legacy, bequest, exchange, right privilege from any person/s, company, society, Government cooperative bodies or institutions whatsoever and to hold movable and immovable properties lawfully.
- To construct residential complexes, hostels, hospitals and any other type of building or structures whatsoever, to further any objects of the Charitable Trust and to maintain, manage, control, improve, alter, repairs, demolish or reconstruct the same or any portion or portions thereof.
- To receive by way of gift, whether in cash or property, movable or immovable, donations and contributions in any legal form.
- To alienate by way of sale, mortgage, lease, charge transfer all or any part of the property of the Trust.
- To invest and reinvest any funds or money of the Trust in the interest of the beneficiaries.
- To borrow and or raise any funds with or without security in any manner the charitable trust may think to repay the same.
- To negotiate with or enter into arrangements with different authorities, bodies, industrial houses for grants, allowances, rights, concessions, and privileges, etc. that may be beneficial to the charitable trust beneficiaries.
- To use all the income from the properties movable or immovable or from the earnings of the Charitable Trust as such whomsoever derived from, solely for the advancement of the objectives. And, that no portion of it be distributed or disbursed among the Trustees by way of profits, bonuses or dividends. However, nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment in good faith in the shape of remuneration or reimbursement to any Trustee for any services rendered to the charitable trust or expenses incurred thereto.
- To perform all acts as are incidental and conducive to the attainment of all or any of the objects of the Charitable Trust.
- To undertake and promote human resources in the field of social work and in other science relating to social action for the world peace.
- To carry out all the activities without the intention of earning profit.
- To conduct all the activities of the Trust to be carried out only within the boundaries of India.